Grow your business with the world's largest moving board.Connect, Expand, and Earn with MoverDash

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100 leads per week.
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Lead Top-Up - $10/per extra lead
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50 leads per week.
Province-wide Reach.
Plus Verified Badge.
Enhanced Profile Customization.
Unlimited Mover Board Posts.
Access customer messages.
Unlimited alerts on Mover Board.
Banner Ads on Mover Board.
Banner Ads on Province Pages(in chosen province).
Priority Placement in Search(in chosen province).
Real-Time Lead Alerts(SMS and email).
Automated Follow-Up Reminders.
Dedicated Account Manager.
Priority Customer Service.
Lead Top-Up - $10/per extra lead
Basic plan
Free plan
10 leads per week - 3 leads per day.
Nationwide Reach.
Basic Verified Badge.
Enhanced Profile Customization.
Unlimited Mover Board Posts.
Access customer messages.
Unlimited alerts on Mover Board.
Lead Top-Up - $10/per extra lead

Knowledge Base for Movers

Tips for Increasing Customer Satisfaction
Improve your business with tips for increasing customer satisfaction. By enhancing customer satisfaction, gain more customers and achieve higher profits.
Increasing Operational Efficiency in the Moving Industry
The moving industry is a highly competitive sector. To stand out and succeed in this competitive environment, moving companies need to increase their operational efficiency.
15 Golden Rules for Achieving Success in the Moving Industry
We have listed 15 golden rules to pay attention to in order to achieve success in the moving industry. Customer satisfaction, quality service, competitive pricing, clear communication, marketing strategies, use of technology, and more.